Dr. Annica Freytag

Topics of research

– Operando NMR of battery materials

Anodes for sodium-ion batteries

Solid-state batteries


H. Al-Salih, A. Huang, C. Yim, A. I. Freytag, G. R. Goward, E. Baranova, Y. Abu-Lebdeh. A Polymer-Rich Quaternary Composite Solid Electrolyte for Lithium Batteries, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 167(7) (2020), 070557

A. I. Freytag, A. D. Pauric, S.A. Krachkovskiy, and G. R. Goward. In Situ Magic-Angle Spinning 7Li NMR Analysis of a Full Electrochemical Lithium-Ion Battery Using a Jelly Roll Cell Design, Journal of the American Chemical Society 141(35) (2019), 13758-13761

A. I. Freytag, A. D. Pauric, M. Jiang, and G. R. Goward. 7Li and 29Si NMR Enabled by High-Density Cellulose-Based Electrodes in the Lithiation Process in Silicon and Silicon Monoxide Anodes, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123(18) (2019) 11362-11368

A. I. Freytag, A. G. MacLean, M. Abtahi, J. A. Barnes, and H.-P. Loock. All fiber-optic viscosity, density, and temperature measurements of liquids using a photothermally actuated cantilever, Appl. Phys. B 124(11) (2018), 208

A. G. MacLean, L. T. Schneider, A. I. Freytag, A. Gribble, J. A. Barnes, and H.-P. Loock, Cavity-enhanced photoacoustic detection using acoustic and fiber-optic resonators. Appl. Phys. B 119(1) (2015), 11-19

Awards & Accomplishments

 – 2019: Arcachon, France

Lithium Battery Discussions (LiBD) 2019

Oral presentation topic: In-situ magic-angle spinning NMR analysis of a full graphite/LiCoO2 electrochemical cell

 – 2018: Kyoto, Japan

19th International meeting on lithium batteries (IMLB)

Poster topic: Comparison of SiOx vs. Si electrodes from a multi-nuclear solid-state NMR standpoint

 – 2017: Quebec City, Canada


Poster topic: High capacity silicon electrodes from a multi-nuclear solid-state NMR standpoint

– 2017: Toronto, Canada

100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition

Poster topic: High capacity silicon electrodes from a multi-nuclear solid-state NMR standpoint

– 2016: Dunedin, New Zealand

Matariki Quantum Science Workshop

Oral presentation topic: Fiber-optic vibration sensing of cantilevers immersed in viscous fluids

– 2015: Waterloo, Canada

Symposium on Chemical Physics

Poster topic: Fiber-optic vibration sensing of cantilevers immersed in viscous fluids

– 2015: Ottawa, Canada

98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition

Poster topic: Resonance enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy in liquids

– 2014: Waterloo, Canada

Symposium on Chemical Physics

Poster topic: Quantitative photoacoustic concentration measurements of aqueous phosphates using fiber optic detection

Educational background

Doctor of Philosophy (Chemistry)

Canada, Ontario, Hamilton, Faculty of Science, Chemistry (2016-2020)

The development and application of in-situ NMR methods for lithium-ion batteries, Supervisor: Prof. Gillian Goward

Master of Science (Chemistry)

Canada, Ontario, Kingston, Queen’s University, Faculty of Science, Chemistry (2016-2020)

Fiber-optic vibration sensing of cantilevers immersed in viscous fluids, Supervisor: Prof. Hans-Peter Loock

Bachelor of Science (Chemistry)

Germany, Potsdam, University of Potsdam, Faculty of Science, Chemistry (2011-2014)

Photoacoustic concentration measurement of trace chemical using fiber optic detection (research conducted at Queen’s University funded through the DAAD PROMOS scholarship) Supervisors: Prof. Hans-Gerd Löhmannsröben, Prof. Hans-Peter Loock

Professional career

2021- present: Postdoctoral researcher

Germany, Berlin, Humboldt University, Faculty of Science, Chemistry

Supervisor: Prof. Philipp Adelhelm