Dr. Katherine Mazzio
Topics of research
– synthesis of inorganic nanomaterials and functional hybrid systems
– sodium-ion batteries
– in-situ and operando characterization techniques
Educational background
Doctoral degree
– University of Washington, Seattle, USA (2011-2014)
Program (dual): Materials Science and Engineering, Nanotechnology
Supervisor: Prof. C. Luscombe
Thesis topic: Interface modifications for applications in organic and hybrid photovoltaics
Master’s degree
– University of Washington, Seattle, USA (2008-2011)
Program: Materials Science and Engineering, Prof. C. Luscombe
Bachelor’s degree
– Portland State University, Portland, USA (2004-2008)
Program: Physics and Chemistry, Prof. C. Wamser
Professional career
– August 2020 – present: Postdoctoral researcher
Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Department of Chemistry
Joint Research Group Operando Battery Analysis (EM-GOBA)
Supervisor: Prof. P. Adelhelm
– May 2015 – June 2020: Postdoctoral researcher
Helmholtz Center for Materials and Energy, Berlin, Germany
Institute for Nanospectroscopy (EM-ISPEK)
Supervisor: Prof. S. Raoux
– August 2014 – April 2015: Graduate research and teaching assistant
University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. C. Luscombe
– June 2009 – August 2014: Research associate
University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. C. Luscombe
– September 2008 – January 2009: Assosiate researcher
Sharp Laboratories of America, Inc., Camas, USA
Materials and Device Applications Department
Supervisor: Dr. D. Evans
– June 2008 – September 2008: Summer undergraduate laboratory intern (SULI)
National Center for Photovoltaics, Golden, USA
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Supervisor: Prof. J. Leisch
– February 2006 – June 2008: Electron microscopist
Portland State University, USA
Department of Physics
Supervisor: Prof. C. Li
– June 2005 – June 2008: Undergraduate research assistant
Portland State University, USA
Department of Chemistry
Supervisor: Prof. C. Wamser
Awards & Accomplishments
– 2018: International Thermoelectric Society Outstanding Poster Award at the 37th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Caen, France
Poster title: Hybrid polymer/nanoparticle composites for high-performance thermoelectrics.
– 2014: Best oral presentation, Molacular Engineering Showcase, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Presentation title: A one-pot hybrid materials synthesis and photophysical studies.
– 2014: UW Graduate and Professional Student Senate travel grant to support speaking and attendance at the 2014 Materials Research Society spring meeting, San Francisco, USA
– 2013: UW Graduate School Fund for Excellence and Innovation travel award to support a poster presentation and attendance at the 12th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, London, Great Britain
– 2013: NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute award, OISE-1310819
– 2011-2012: Outstanding Graduate Female Award, University of Washington Society of Women Engineers
– 2011: Second place at poster competition, Conference on Nanotechnology, UW, Seattle, USA
Poster title: Hybrid organic-inorganic molecules for non-excitonic solar cells
– 2009-2010: Wagstaff Fellowship
– 2009-2010: UW Center for Nanotechnology Early Bird Graduate Research Award
– 2009-2010: UW Graduate School Fund for Excellence and Innovation Fellowship
– 2006-2007: Portland State UNiversity Scholarly and Creative Activity Grants for Undergraduates
– Pescara, B., & Mazzio, K. A. (2020). Morphological and surface state challenges in Ge nanoparticle applications. Langmuir. <link>
– Al-Temimy, A., Kronast, F., Mawass, M. A., Mazzio, K. A., Prenger, K., Naguib, M., … & Raoux, S. (2020). Spatially resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy investigation of individual cation-intercalated multi-layered Ti3C2Tx MXene particles. Applied Surface Science, 530, 147157. <link>
– Lindorf, M., Mazzio, K. A., Pflaum, J., Nielsch, K., Brütting, W., & Albrecht, M. (2020). Organic-based thermoelectrics. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8(16), 7495-7507. <link>
– Al-Temimy, A., Anasori, B., Mazzio, K. A., Kronast, F., Seredych, M., Kurra, N., … & Petit, T. (2020). Enhancement of Ti3C2 MXene pseudocapacitance after urea intercalation studied by soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124(9), 5079-5086. <link>
– Greco, G., Mazzio, K. A., Dou, X., Gericke, E., Wendt, R., Krumrey, M., & Passerini, S. (2019). structural study of carbon-coated TiO2 anatase nanoparticles as high-performance anode materials for Na-ion batteries. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2(10), 7142-7151. <link>
– Mawass, M. A., Niederhausen, J., Hengge, M., Raoux, S., & Kronast, F. (2019). Sample cartridge with built-in miniature molecule evaporator for in-situ measurement with a photoemission electron microscope. Ultramicroscopy, 200, 1-5. <link>
– Pescara, B., Mazzio, K. A., Lips, K., & Raoux, S. (2019). Crystallinity and size control of colloidal germanium nanoparticles from organogermanium halide reagents. Inorganic chemistry, 58(8), 4802-4811. <link>
– Mazzio, K. A., Prasad, S. K., Okamoto, K., Hodgkiss, J. M., & Luscombe, C. K. (2018). End-functionalized semiconducting polymers as reagents in the synthesis of Hybrid II–VI nanoparticles. Langmuir, 34(33), 9692-9700. <link>
– Martin, T. R., Mazzio, K. A., Hillhouse, H. W., & Luscombe, C. K. (2016). Synthesis of ligand-free CdS nanoparticles within a sulfur copolymer matrix. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (111), e54047. <link>
– Zeigler, D. F., Candelaria, S. L., Mazzio, K. A., Martin, T. R., Uchaker, E., Suraru, S. L., … & Luscombe, C. K. (2015). N-Type hyperbranched polymers for supercapacitor cathodes with variable porosity and excellent electrochemical stability. Macromolecules, 48(15), 5196-5203. <link>
– Mazzio, K. A., Rice, A. H., Durban, M. M., & Luscombe, C. K. (2015). Effect of regioregularity on charge transport and structural and excitonic coherence in poly (3-hexylthiophene) nanowires. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(27), 14911-14918. <link>
– Martin, T. R., Mazzio, K. A., Hillhouse, H. W., & Luscombe, C. K. (2015). Sulfur copolymer for the direct synthesis of ligand-free CdS nanoparticles. Chemical Communications, 51(56), 11244-11247. <link>
– Li, Z., Mazzio, K. A., Okamoto, K., Luscombe, C. K., & Schlaf, R. (2015). Orbital alignment at the internal interface of arylthiol functionalized CdSe molecular hybrids. Journal of Applied Physics, 117(15), 155501. <link>
– Mazzio, K. A., & Luscombe, C. K. (2014). The future of organic photovoltaics. Chemical Society Reviews, 44(1), 78-90. <link>
– Zeigler, D. F., Mazzio, K. A., & Luscombe, C. K. (2014). Fully conjugated graft copolymers comprising a p-type donor-acceptor backbone and poly (3-Hexylthiophene) side chains synthesized via a “graft through” approach. Macromolecules, 47(15), 5019-5028. <link>
– Mazzio, K. A., Okamoto, K., Li, Z., Gutmann, S., Strein, E., Ginger, D. S., … & Luscombe, C. K. (2013). A one pot organic/CdSe nanoparticle hybrid material synthesis with in situ π-conjugated ligand functionalization. Chemical Communications, 49(13), 1321-1323. <link>
– Doubina, N., Jenkins, J. L., Paniagua, S. A., Mazzio, K. A., MacDonald, G. A., Jen, A. K. Y., … & Luscombe, C. K. (2012). Surface-initiated synthesis of poly (3-methylthiophene) from indium tin oxide and its electrochemical properties. Langmuir, 28(3), 1900-1908. <link>
– Mazzio, K. A., Yuan, M., Okamoto, K., & Luscombe, C. K. (2011). Oligoselenophene derivatives functionalized with a diketopyrrolopyrrole core for molecular bulk heterojunction solar cells. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 3(2), 271-278. <link>