Dr. Mustafa Göktas

Topics of research

 – anode materials for sodium-ion batteries

 – intercalation mechanism of ions

 – in-situ investigation of electrode dynamics

Professional career

 – January 2020 – present: Postdoctoral researcher

Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

Department of Chemistry

Supervisor: Prof. P. Adelhelm

 – September 2019 – December 2019: Postdoctoral researcher

Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena, Germany

Center for Energy and Evironmental Chemistry (CEEC)

Supervisor: Prof. P. Adelhelm



 – Sun, Y. N., Göktas, M., Zhao, L., Adelhelm, P., & Han, B. H. (2020). Ultrafine SnO2 nanoparticles anchored on N, P-doped porous carbon as anodes for high performance lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 572, 122-132. <link>


 – Palaniselvam, T., Göktas, M., Anothumakkool, B., Sun, Y. N., Schmuch, R., Zhao, L., … & Adelhelm, P. (2019). Sodium storage and electrode dynamics of tin-carbon composite electrodes from bulk precursors for sodium‐ion batteries. Advanced Functional Materials29(18), 1900790. <link>

 – Göktas, M., Bolli, C., Buchheim, J., Berg, E. J., Novák, P., Bonilla, F., … & Adelhelm, P. (2019). Stable and unstable diglyme-based electrolytes for batteries with sodium or graphite as electrode. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces11(36), 32844-32855. <link>


 – Göktas, M., Akduman, B., Huang, P., Balducci, A., & Adelhelm, P. (2018). Temperature-induced activation of graphite co-intercalation reactions for glymes and crown ethers in sodium-ion batteries. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C122(47), 26816-26824. <link>

 – Göktas, M., Bolli, C., Berg, E. J., Novák, P., Pollok, K., Langenhorst, F., … & Adelhelm, P. (2018). Graphite as cointercalation electrode for sodium‐ion batteries: Electrode dynamics and the missing solid electrolyte interphase (SEI). Advanced Energy Materials8(16), 1702724. <link>

Educational background

 Doctoral degree

 – Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena, Germany (2015-2019)

Program: Chemistry, Prof. Adelhelm

Thesis topic: Graphite as co-intercalation host for sodium-ion batteries

 Master’s degree

 – Erasmus Mundus program (2013-2015)

Program: Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (MESC)

Visited universities: University Paul Sabatier, France (1st semester)
University of Provence, France and Warsaw University of Technology, Poland (2nd semester)
University of Picardie Jules Verne, France (3rd semester)
Drexel University, USA (4th, thesis semester)

Thesis topic: Electrophoretic deposition of particles for solar panels

 Bachelor’s degree

 – Middle East Technical University, Turkey (2009-2013)

Program: Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Conferences & Visits


 – September-October, 2018: Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo University of Science, Department of Appliled Chemistry

Receiving side: Prof. Komaba

Project title: Examining sodiated/desodiated graphite with different salts by using in-situ and ex-situ XRD and Raman spectroscopy; FTIR for electrolytes with various conduction salts

Awards & Accomplishments

 – 2018: DAAD travel grant for the conference (Deutscher Akademisher Austauschdienst)

Objective: Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting & Exhibit in Boston, USA

 – 2013 – 2015: Erasmus Mundus study scholarship

Award: Category A scholarship for master’s degree