M. Sc. Yongchun Li

Topics of research

– cathode materials for sodium-ion batteries

 – oxygen activity in electrochemical processes

 – in-situ DEMS and Raman investigations

Educational background

 Doctoral degree

 – Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany (2020-present)

Program: Chemistry, Prof. Adelhelm

Thesis topic: Incorporating in-situ DEMS and Raman to investigate oxygen activity during electrochemical processes for sodium-ion batteries cathode materials

 Master’s degree

 – School of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University, China (2016-2019)

Program: Chemical Engineering; Prof. Guo

Thesis topic: Ni-rich cathode material for Li-ion batteries

 Bachelor’s degree

 – School of Chemical Engineering & Pharmacy, Wuhan Institute of Technology, China (2012-2016)

Program: Chemical Engineering

Awards & Accomplishments

 – 2020-2023 CSC study scholarship (China Scholarship Council)

Program: Ph.D. scholarship



 – Li, Y. C., Xiang, W., Xiao, Y., Wu, Z. G., Xu, C. L., Xu, W., … & Guo, X. D. (2019). Synergy of doping and coating induced heterogeneous structure and concentration gradient in Ni-rich cathode for enhanced electrochemical performance. Journal of Power Sources423, 144-151. <link>


 – Li, Y. C., Xiang, W., Wu, Z. G., Xu, C. L., Xu, Y. D., Xiao, Y., … & Guo, X. D. (2018). Construction of homogeneously Al3+ doped Ni rich Ni-Co-Mn cathode with high stable cycling performance and storage stability via scalable continuous precipitation. Electrochimica Acta291, 84-94. <link>

 – Li, Y. C., Zhao, W. M., Xiang, W., Wu, Z. G., Yang, Z. G., Xu, C. L., … & Guo, X. D. (2018). Promoting the electrochemical performance of LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 cathode via LaAlO3 coating. Journal of Alloys and Compounds766, 546-555.<link>