
Visit Amiens and first hands-on training in TwinBat project
Winni, Dominik and Yanan visited LCRS in Amiens, took a lab tour and discussed with Da Huo and Raphael Janot. Then they attended the first hands-on training in the TwinBat project. The hands-on training was organized by our TwinBat partners CNRS and TIAMAT by Mathieu and John in Amiens.
Kick-Off meeting for joint US NSF-DFG project INCUBATOR
This project includes project partners from HU Berlin (Katherine Mazzio (coordinator) and Philipp Adelhelm), Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (Elmar Kataev and Marcus Bär), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Wanli Yang), and University of California, Santa Cruz (Jinghua Guo and Honghe Ding). The focus is on operando X-Ray spectroscopies for solid-state batteries. The kick-off meeting took place at HZB and on-line.

Matsus Spring 2025 in Sevilla-Talk and Posters
Youhyun, Moritz and Guillermo attended MATSUS Spring 2025 conference with one talk and two posters. Guillermo and Youhyun presented results on the co-intercalation reaction for batteries. Mortiz won a poster prize for his contribution on Anode-free sodium metal batteries.
Kick-Off of SIB:DE – the largest national project on Na-ion batteries
The group is part of SIB:DE, Germany’s largest project for developing Na-ion batteries. Members include 21 partners including BASF as coordinator.
The Kick-Off took place at BASF in Ludwigshafen.

© Philipp Adelhelm
Visitors from Turkey and France
In the Twinbat project, the EU not only supports scientific cooperation, but also the exchange of administrative staff. We welcomed guests of our project partners from Turkey (Istanbul) and France (Amiens) to a workshop in Berlin.
Batterieforum 2025 in Berlin
Plenty of posters from the group on this years Batterieforum in Berlin, a whole session on “Na-ion batteries” and a pitch of Jonas on gas analysis of batteries.

Surprise visit from Santosha Lingamurthy
Former group member Santosha received his PhD in 2021 and is now working for Volkswagen on EV batteries.
Visit by Prof. Yaxiang Lu – Institute of Physics, Bejing
Prof. Yaxiang Lu from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, was visiting our lab as part of her stay at the IOP-HU Early Career Researcher Conference on Energising Materials.

© Ralf Schuster, BTU CS
ReLIB project receives funding from "Innovationskorridor Berlin – Cottbus"
The „Innovationskorridor Berlin – Cottbus“ is a joint initiative of BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, to strengthen the cooperation between the two universities and regions. We are happy to announce that we have been awarded one of the four seed funds for our joined project ReLIB on the recycling of lithium-ion batteries. This will support our collaboration with the groups of Jörg Acker (BTU), Jan Ingo Flege (BTU), Olaf Klepel (BTU) and Arnd Garsuch (BTU/BASF). We would like to thank the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin for their support and all the other participants for the great day in Cottbus.
Official press announcements:
Cooperation with LRCS Amiens – Recycling of battery materials
The group is cooperating with Da Huo (main PI) and Raphael Janot from LRCS on the use of graphite from end-of-life Li-ion batteries. The project is conducted by the PhD student Aleena Gigi who will stay in our lab for research visits.

© Philipp Adelhelm
Fischer-Nernst-Award 2024
Congratulations to Winni Schwedland, who was honored with the Fischer-Nernst-Award for the best Master’s Thesis in the Institut of Chemistry of Humboldt University Berlin with the title „Characterization of the Kinetic Properties of Glyme-Based Electrolytes for Sodium-Ion Co-Intercalation in Graphite via Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy“.
Welcome back, Giorgia!
We are happy to have Giorgia Greco back in the group for a short research stay. Giorgia received a WINS fellowship this year to work on a project with Katherine Mazzio on EXAFS characterization of sodium-ion batteries. Welcome back, Giorgia!

© Philipp Adelhelm
Attendance at the Solid State Batteries VI conference in Frankfurt
Several members of the group attended the International Bunsen Discussion Meeting on „Solid-State Batteries VI – From Fundamentals to Application“ on November 13 – 15, 2024 in Frankfurt, Germany. We enjoyed connecting with influential people in the field and listening to many interesting talks!
Best Oral Presentation Award at ICNaB2024
Congratulations to Yanan Sun, who was awarded the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 9th International Conference on Sodium Batteries – ICNaB2024, Richland, U.S. Yanan would like to thank the SALSA (School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof) for the financial support.

© Yanan Sun

© Philipp Adelhelm
“Start of TwinBat project funded by the EU” – Kick-Off in Istanbul
The group is part of a European project to tighten cooperations with Turkiye.
We will cooperate over the next three years on Na-ion batteries with Gebze Technical University Istanbul (Rezan Demir-Cakan), LRCS-Amiens and Tiamat. The project focusses on staff training & exchange and Na-ion battery development.
Cooperation with Tokyo University of Science – Welcome Yuki!
Yuki is a visiting PhD student from the lab of Prof. Komaba (Tokyo University of Science). He will work on the characterization of anodes (hard carbon, graphite and Si) for Alkali-ion batteries.

© Hui Wang

© Stefan Klenke
Sodium Battery Symposium (SBS-5)
Thank you for a wonderful Sodium Battery Symposium (SBS-5) in Berlin! 31 talks, 90 posters, 10 exhibitors and 330 attendees from academia and industry over 3 fantastic days.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this event and the many helping hands. Go Sodium!
“Electrochemistry 2024 in Braunschweig” – Talks and posters
Vinita, Archana, Knut, Youhyun, Guillermo and Philipp attended this year’s “Electrochemistry” conference in Braunschweig with two talks and four posters!
Knut presented results from his PhD thesis on characterizing co-intercalation reactions with impedance spectroscopy and other methods. Well done! Thanks to Vinita, Archana, Knut, Youhyun & Guillermo

Three Flash Talk Awards at SALSA Make and Measure
Congratulations to Youhyun Son, Guillermo Alvarez and Jonas Geisler, who were awarded prices for their Flash presentations at this year’s SALSA Make and Measure. We would also like to thank the SALSA team for the great conference. Further information can be found here.
Cooperation with Tokyo University of Science – Welcome Kodai!
Kodai is a visiting student from the lab of Prof. Komaba (Tokyo University of Science). He will work on the characterization of layered oxides for Alkali-ion batteries.

© Hui Wang

Firmenlauf Adlershof 2024
Once again this year, the Adelhelm Group entered a team in the annual Adlershof Firmenstaffel. Following last year’s success, where the team exceeded their own expectations, this year’s participants pushed themselves even further, driven by mutual support and motivation.
Master thesis defended!
Congratulations to Goutham who defended his master thesis on the use of metal sulfides in solid-state batteries!

Visit of Prof. Bhattacharyya
We were delighted to welcome Prof. Aninda Bhattacharyya from the Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru as a guest in our group. Thanks for a great talk on alternative battery concepts.
Ane Gondra- summer student
We are pleased to welcome Ane Gondra from the MESC+ (Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion) master’s programme. She joins us this summer thanks to an Erasmus+ Traineeship scholarship.

© Ane Gondra

SSI24 Mid-Career Award
Philipp Adelhelm receives Mid-Career Award from the International Society of Solid State Ionics on the 2024 London conference for his contribution on developing new battery electrode materials.